10 Top Watermelon Health Benefits that are Promising by Researchers

- Hydration: Watermelon is 92% water and can help to hydrate the body.
- Anti-inflammatory properties: Watermelon contains anti-inflammatory compounds that may help reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
- Heart health: Watermelon contains lycopene, which may help to lower the risk of heart disease.
- Digestive health: Watermelon is rich in fiber, which can help to promote regular bowel movements.
- Weight loss: Watermelon is low in calories and high in water content, making it a great food to add to a weight loss diet.
- Muscle soreness: Watermelon may help to reduce muscle soreness after exercise due to its high levels of the amino acid L-citrulline.
- Skin health: Watermelon contains vitamin C, which is important for the production of collagen, helping to maintain healthy skin.
- Cancer-fighting properties: Watermelon may contain compounds that have been found to have anti-cancer properties.
- Kidney health: Watermelon may help to improve kidney function due to its high levels of potassium.
- Diabetes: Watermelon may help to improve insulin sensitivity in people with diabetes.