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Mysteries of Mechanical Ventilation in Pediatrics

Course Overview

  • Mechanical ventilation is a cornerstone of critical care management for pediatric patients experiencing respiratory failure.
  • Understanding the intricacies of mechanical ventilation can be a challenge but is essential for healthcare providers who wish to provide optimal respiratory support for this vulnerable population.
  • This course, “Mysteries of Mechanical Ventilation in Pediatrics,” is designed to equip healthcare professionals, including pediatricians, respiratory therapists, Emergency medicine physicians, Medical residents and fellows in pediatrics and critical care  and generally critical care practitioners who need the knowledge and skills to effectively manage mechanically ventilated children.

Course Objectives

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  1. Describe the principles of mechanical ventilation specific to pediatric patients.
  2. Identify various modes of mechanical ventilation and their clinical applications.
  3. Recognize indications and contraindications for mechanical ventilation in pediatrics.
  4. Assess and monitor pediatric patients on mechanical ventilation.
  5. Understand weaning protocols and extubation strategies for pediatric patients.
  6. Address common complications and troubleshooting associated with mechanical ventilation.

Course Content

Not Enrolled (119 places remaining)
14.5 USD

Course Includes

  • 10 Lessons
  • 69 Topics
  • 1 Quiz
  • Course Certificate
