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Essentials of Epidemiology and Biostatistics in Medicine

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  1. Introduction to Epidemiology
    4 Topics
  2. Types of Epidemiological Study design
    3 Topics
  3. Study Measures and Measures of Association
    3 Topics
  4. Bias and Confounding in Epidemiology
    3 Topics
  5. Screening and Diagnostic Tests
    3 Topics
  6. Introduction to Biostatistics
    4 Topics
  7. Statistical analysis of data
    5 Topics
  8. Study Design and Sample Size Calculation
    3 Topics
  9. Survival Analysis
    3 Topics
  10. Data Management and Analysis
    4 Topics
  11. Biostatistical Applications in Medicine
    4 Topics
  12. Ethical Considerations in Epidemiological Research
    4 Topics
  13. Practical Applications and Questions
    4 Topics
  14. References
    3 Topics
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