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cPanel is a web-based control panel for managing web hosting accounts. It is a user-friendly interface that allows users to easily manage their website, email, and databases. cPanel provides a wide range of features and tools that can be used to manage and maintain a website, including:

    1. File Manager: Allows users to manage and upload files to their website.
    2. Backup: Allows users to backup their website and restore it in case of any issues.
    3. Database: Allows users to manage their website’s database, including creating, editing, and deleting tables.
    4. Email: Allows users to manage their email accounts, including creating, editing, and deleting email accounts.
    5. FTP: Allows users to transfer files to and from their website using FTP.
    6. Logs: Allows users to view log files for their website, including access logs, error logs, and bandwidth logs.
    7. Security: Allows users to manage security settings for their website, including setting up firewalls, password protection, and SSL certificates.
    8. DNS: Allows users to manage the DNS settings for their website, including creating and editing DNS records.
    9. Cron Jobs: Allows users to schedule tasks to run automatically on their website, such as backups or database updates.
    10. Scripts: Allows users to install and manage scripts for their website, such as WordPress, Joomla, or Magento.
    11. Softaculous: Allows users to install popular scripts and software with just a few clicks.
    12. WHM: Allows users to manage multiple websites on a single server.
    13. cPanel: Allows users to manage their website from a single, easy-to-use interface.
    14. Addon Domains: Allows users to add multiple domain names to a single hosting account.
    15. Subdomains: Allows users to create subdomains for their website, such as blog.example.com.
    16. Parked Domains: Allows users to park multiple domain names on a single hosting account.
    17. Redirection: Allows users to redirect traffic from one URL to another.
    18. PHP: Allows users to manage the PHP settings for their website, including version and extensions.
    19. MySQL: Allows users to manage their website’s MySQL database, including creating, editing, and deleting tables.
    20. Monitoring: Allows users to monitor the performance of their website, including uptime, bandwidth, and resource usage.